home About us

Ali Smadi
Managing Director

We are Pleased to be able to submit the company’s
credentials for your consideration

Scientific and technological progress in our modern days has become one of the most important factors that govern the prosperity and sound economic development of any country.

During our professional practice as engineers, we became aware of the scarcity of national contracting engineering firms that measure up to high international standards, and can undertake the much-needed technical studies in the fields of: Mechanical, Electrical, Industrial, and other engineering areas.

Conversely, Jordan is a knowledge source of highly‐qualified manpower such as engineers and technicians graduated from the best Universities; thus in 2018 EMCC was founded to provide these highly qualified specialists with the adequate opportunity to apply their know‐how in the development and service of their countries.

Based on the principles we have adopted, and on the support and appreciation we have so far received, we have full of confidence that our organization will continue to develop and grow enabling us to achieve our national and professional aspirations.

Innovation is a key process within our organization. Thinking “smarter” not only provides our clients with superior outcomes, quicker, safer and superior quality; it also drives our business to new levels and provides our highly qualified and experienced personnel the challenges which we thrive upon.

Our culture and proven track record provides assurance to our clients. Consultants and Contractors alike enjoy working with us and like our flexibility, knowledge, commitment and reputation for excellence.

We look forward to working closely with you on a more positive partnering approach for our mutual benefit on this and all your future projects

Our Mission

We have developed a reputation for delivering projects on time, on budget and to benchmark quality standards.

We always look to develop long term relationships with our clients so we seek out clients who are growing, need strategic advice and challenging delivery requirements and share our values.

We view all our clients as our business partners. The success of our relationships with our partners is to a significant extent due to mutual trust and respect and the emphasis placed by us on understanding and responding to the clients’ needs.

We have four key values that are the pillars of the business and its undertakings.

Core Values

We promote safety to be the core of our thinking to enshrine safe work practices across our business.


We are conscious of the environment across all aspects of the business from offsite and onsite activities to practical “Green” design of Buildings.


We are committed to local communities and towards providing assistance and prospects to encourage and develop skills and careers.


We are innovative and imaginative in our approach to each and every Project.

EMCC’s Overview

WEMCC is the perfect example of an organization propelled by a vision and fueled by great resources

The engineering experience of our key persons and team in diversified fields is the result of hard work, research and technical skills that ensure meeting client requirements.

Project teams are supported with expert input as required, the extensive and effective exposure of our Engineers within countries of operation, and fulfilling the market demands.

EMCC team has been designing executing and managing projects that range from high‐tech buildings to large residential and commercial development projects.

Extent of Mechanical Services

  • Solar Systems for Domestic Hot Water
  • Fire Fighting Systems
  • Domestic and Process Cold and Hot Water Systems
  • Chilled Water System
  • Ventilation & Air Conditioning Systems
  • Automatic Control & Building Management Systems
  • Swimming Pools & Fountains
  • Steam & Condensate Systems
  • Heating System
  • Fuel & Gas Systems
  • Compressed Air System
  • Drainage (Sewage, Rain Water, Industrial and Laboratory)
  • Laboratories Ventilation

Extent of Electrical Services

  • Artificial Lighting and Lighting Control System
  • Power Distribution Networks
  • Lightening Protection System
  • Earthing & Bonding
  • Essential Power Supply & Electric Power Generation plants
  • Communication and Data Networks
  • Background music, PA and Paging System
  • Automation and Integration Systems

Our Clients